The extraordinary advice of Merlin F. Ludiker, free-range savant, is free in all respects. Besides being made available without charge to all comers in these brief but precious samples, Ludiker’s advice is also unlimited in scope. It would be an understatement to describe as merely interdisciplinary a practice that encompasses every field of learning to which the suffix “-ology”may be attached. The fruit of so much inquiry would certainly crush a less determined savant but, as Dr. Ludiker explains, it is only this breadth of knowledge, coupled with the freedom to range abruptly between disparate areas, that produces the bursts of insight for which he is venerated. Or will eventually be venerated; although Dr. Ludiker has been cheated out of the Nobel Prize on more than one occasion, it is clear that with each successive mistaken award a callow intellectual community is grudgingly growing to respect so tireless a thinker. This is a man undeterred by bleating authorities, a man unfettered by the turbidity of scholarship, a man willing to stand in the fierce stinky wind of skepticism all his days if it might lead to riches. |